Beauty injections could be divided into 3 groups
Botox relaxes muscles. People age with the hyper tone of facial muscles, therefore many faces look sad or angry with age. Botox relaxes muscles and changes the angry and sad to a younger, happier, and friendly-looking appearance.
MedVSpa offers Full Face Botox injections. Relaxation of almost all face muscle- depressors works as face lifting and lasts 4-6 months. The Full Face Botox requires 60- 70 Units for Botox or full face to open eyes, eyebrow lifting, wrinkles removal, jowls removal, and lip lifting.
Fillers replace the volume, which faces lost, because of changing bone density, fat pads disappearing, decreasing muscle volume, and losing ligament support.
To replace lost volume, and help ligaments to support fat pads, MedVSpa uses filler injections. If you are 50y.o. and older, consider 2 or 3 sessions for fillers. The first one is a Lateral facelift for restructure and face countering. Nobody will see that the work was done but with 3-4 syringes of fillers the result of a "rested face”, as well as younger looking is 100% guaranteed. The second session is scheduled for tear-throughs, upper lip lines removal, and lip injections
MedVSpa uses the most innovative product in the world Juvederm Vycross, the longest lasting in comparison to all others on the global market.
The filler injections are expensive everywhere in the world. One tablespoon is 5 !!! syringes. Injections require a very high qualification from the practitioner, because of the medical risks related to the face anatomy and delivery of the product to the right place, where Juvederm gives maximum result with the minimum amount.
Mesotherapy or Bio revitalization is not a new technique, which has a goal to improve the appearance of the outer skin layer. MedVSpa replaced the painful injections of mesotherapy with Scarlet RF microneedling, where the same products are delivered into the skin with technology.