NEW: 122 Scollard St. #201, Toronto, ON M5R 1G4

Filler injections & Treatments in Toronto

Fillers at MedVSPA Toronto work to

Fillers have been used to instantly replace deep and superficial fat which people have lost as the result of the aging process. Immediately after three injections, the face looks younger and fresher. It is possible to lift chick bones and make lips visible and younger-looking, as well as give the face more oval appearance.           

Filler injections & Treatments in Toronto | MedVSpa

Everybody is afraid to look unnatural after fillers injections. How not to look plastic please read in chapter 9 of my book “The Natural Look. Why are Some People Overdone?”

filler injection treatment results 1 CLICK HERE to get a free copy of the book The Secret of Looking Like You by Marina Vashkevich, RN

Women want to see rested and younger-looking faces after injections. The biggest fear is to have the result "something was done".Therefore, Marina Vashkevich, an RN_ injector with more than 20 years of experience in the beauty injection field, works with a technique called "Lateral Face lifting." Injections of Juvederm in the areas where plastic surgeons work for face lifting create the result of face lifting without surgery. The treatment plan includes at least two sessions: 

the first to restore the face structure and contour, and the second to define some face features.

The face loses the fat volume; ligaments do not support it as they used to, and bone structure changes everywhere in the body. Therefore, the face looks different. Lateral face lifting restores the face structure using Juvederm. To get rid of a double chin, remove jowls and improve face contour, Marina Vashkevich uses Juvederm Volux- the only dermal filler on the world market, called "chin implant." The result is visible immediately after the injections and lasts two years with Juvederm Voluma and Juvederm Volux.

The goal for the second injection session is to remove tear-throughs, putting the minimum amount possible under the eyes, diminishing smoker lines, and contouring the lips.

The "Lateral Face Lifting" protocol gives a long-lasting facelift without plastic surgery, the appearance of a "rested face," and prevents aging.

The cannula is the most common way to deliver dermal filler with the lateral Face Lifting approach.

 Caanulla or needle for the Dermal filler delivery?

The choice between a needle or cannula is based on safety, the necessity of precise delivery, and the type of aging process.

If you have a Tired or Deformative type of aging (if you are not sure about your type, please download the chapter on the left side of this page), it is preferred to use a cannula.

Faces that age as Tired or Deformative retain fluid. It means that the lymphatic drainage function and venous outflow are not perfect. Consequently, more than 4 syringes at once or big boluses placement of a product in the point can negatively affect lymph outflow. For this type of aging, filler injections with a cannula will create a natural result without excessive swelling. If additional injections are necessary, it is better to inject them two weeks or a month after. A lymph drainage treatment, like STAR Face, stimulates lymph movement and is beneficial between injection sessions.

 How much does it cost?

Juvederm Voluma and Volux longevity is two years, compared to all other fillers on the market, lasting up to one year. 

MedVSpa offers Membership to deliver a decent result at a reasonable price.

Underline face features

Prominent cheekbones are a privilege for young people. However, clear jawlines and jaw angles look good at any age. The restored proportion between the chin and upper lip makes you look younger. Smooth forehead and refilled temple areas make your face look smoother, close to oval shape. Lips are a fearful area for filler treatment for many people.


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 However, lip injections could be done not only to make them bigger but also to
  • bring lips more symmetry
  • give them upper and lower lip proportion when tooth bite is abnormal
  • make them broader and more significant to be proportional to the big face
  • restore aging lips, returning them plumper appearance
  • prevent the disappearance of upper lip when the muscle is aggressive

More about lips injections, please read here: Chapter 17,” The most “fearful” area.

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 Why You Can’t Look Complete without Lip Fillers?”

CLICK HERE to get a free copy of the book


Prevent the aging

A well-known opinion leader in the field of Medical Aesthetics M.DeMajo, published an article in 2018 where he underlined that excessive muscle movements in some areas force fat disappearance. If you speak using your chin muscles, you can expect your chin to be smaller and look bumpy with age. He gave two suggestions to prevent such conditions: to add some Botox to relax the muscle or to put some filler to create an additional obstacle for the muscle movement. Both of them aim to decrease the pressure of the muscle pressure to the fat pad underneath.
He also pointed out that when the fat pad from the middle part of the face disappears, the muscle that covers these pads start losing support. Moreover, with age, the muscle

filler injection treatment results  4 to support tissue. Therefore, a filler which replaces the lost fat pad will prevent aging and help the muscles keep their natural shape.     

1.How will I look after lip injections?

Marina personally doe not like products, which make your lips to be swollen after the injections.Your lips will look fuller and better shaped. They will be swollen slightly. It might be some small bruises.

2.How to get rid of bags under eyes with fillers.

Fillers, like Redensity II could be used to make the margin between the skin and bags under eyes less noticeable. Minimum amount of filler should be used: less than one syringe.

3.Are lip injections painful?

Lip injections are painful in the central part of lips. Numbing cream is applied before the treatment. From many years of experience, I would say, that the majority of people evaluate the pain as 4-7 from 10.

4.How to get rid of laugh lines?

Filler injection is the only one solution to get rid of laugh lines. Laugh lines are the result of excessive muscles movement. We can not block the muscle in this area. Therefore, we inject the filler. It works as the pillow and creates an additional obstacle for the muscles contraction.

5.How to look natural with Cheek fillers?

Cheek fillers work to underline the cheekbones for young people and diminish/remove halls in the middle part of the face when they appear as the result of structural aging. Filler injections with cannula help to create lines- vector lifting and develop the natural look. Moreover, as a client, you control the process during the injection session to have a natural look with cheek fillers.

6.How does Hyaluronic acid injection work?

Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance that can be a highly cross-linked formulation for more versatility in contouring and volumizing facial wrinkles and folds. Cross-linking refers to a process in which the hyaluronic acid is chemically bound and transforms the liquid hyaluronic acid into a gel. The body metabolizes cross-linked hyaluronic acid more slowly. Therefore, the result lasts 12 or 24 months.