Treatment Options for Common Cosmetic Concerns

Skin discoloration
Skin discoloration is associated with aging and sun exposure. It includes age spots, dark spots, and broken capillaries. Age spots are aging signs of Caucasian menopausal women. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, lentigines, and melasma are the most common dark spots associated with sun exposure. Broken capillaries are signs of the early rosacea stage. Skin discoloration appears with age or when some trigger, like sunlight or trauma, damages the skin, triggering the skin to defense-producing pigment cells. Some spots disappear a month after sun exposure, and some stay on the skin. Unfortunately, after menopause, most stay permanently and force women to look for the solution to eliminate dark spots.
Red discoloration clients see as broken capillaries.
The medical field cannot say why these broken capillaries appear on the face. We only know that some people are predisposed to have diabetes, and some are predisposed to have rosacea.
The old-way solution for skin discoloration is IPL Fotofacial. Dark spots gather the pigment, Hemoglobin, and broken capillaries- Melanin. IPL sends waves of light to destroy stains. Unfortunately, IPL works with surface pigment only, and modern diagnostic tools can not show how deep the pigment is into the skin. Therefore, with IPL technology, we only can promise to make dark spots and redness less visible up to 80%, but not remove them entirely. The series of treatments is a must.
Microneedling RF for skin discolouration
We are lucky in the 21st century to have a more effective solution for skin discoloration. It is Microneedling RF. Microneedling does not explicitly touch the pigment but targets the undesirable color's location, speeding up the cells' turnover process.
The pigmentation associated with lentigines is confined to the superficial skin layer pigmentation is associated with lentigines. The technology creates external injury eliminating unwanted pigment. In addition, medvspa combines microneedling with mesotherapy- peptide and hyaluronic acid.
The combination of Microneedling RF and mesotherapy makes skin tone even after the first treatment and prevents the appearance of new skin discoloration. Microneedling RF depth of penetration is 3,5mm. Therefore, technology destroys the deeper pigment as well.
Microneedling RF, in combination with mesotherapy, treats rosacea successfully. Collagen peptides, delivered into the skin with microneedles and radio frequency skin tightening, make skin tone even, remove redness and return skin desirable hydration.
Fine lines and wrinkles
There are two types of wrinkles: static and dynamic. Static are permanent wrinkles related to "structural aging," changes on the level from skin to bone. Dynamic is associated with muscle movements.
The aging process is a trigger for hyper muscle tone. It means that muscles on a face work more and more aggressively when you are becoming older, folding the skin, which is thinner, fragile, and unable to resist with age.
Therefore, to get rid of wrinkles and fine lines, you have to decrease muscle activity, relax muscles, or/and make skin plumper, increasing the thickness of collagen and elastin inside the skin.
Botox injection
There is the only scientifically proven way to decrease muscle activity. It is a Botox injection. There are some prejudices related to the treatment. One is a" toxin" fear, and the second is "I don't want to look frozen."
Botox fear is common. However, specialists around the globe have used Botox for more than 30 years. Please read here if you feel the same and want to know more about Botox.
FDA-approved Botulinum toxin for relaxation of muscles:
- Forehead Botox
- Crows feet Botox and
- Botox between eyebrows
Many specialists around the globe use Botox off-label to decrease the downward pull on the lower face part. Ease the platysma muscle reduces the prominence of jowls and creates a facelifting effect.
The most innovative way to use Botox is Full Face Botox, creating the balance between depressors and elevator muscles to deliver the result of a relaxed, younger-looking face.
Microneedling RF for colagen production
Skin needs more collagen to decrease the depth of static wrinkles. Radio-frequency skin tightening got FDA approval confirming collagen production many years ago. The latest generation of radio frequency technology is Microneedling RF, nobbled as the most resultative treatment to make skin plump.
Skin Texture, Wrinkles, and Tightening
Microneedling RF Skin tightening refers to procedures that thicken the skin and diminish the appearance of wrinkles and sagging.
Microneedling RF is a treatment for:
- Under eye wrinkles
- Swollen eyelids
- Droopy eyelid
- Double chin
- Creepy skin
- Face wrinkles
- Fine lines
- Dark patches on the skin
- Sunspots on the skin
Surgical facelift VS nonsurgical facelift
The surgical facelift and neck lifts are the most definitive "tightening" procedures. The surgery involves tissue mobilization and re-draping of the skin and subcutaneous tissue over the bones.
However, that surgical facelift does not replace lost volumes, as well as the elastic skin properties.
Similar results can accede through a variety of energy-based minimally invasive interventions, like microneedling RF, used for skin thickness improvement, as well as for skin quality improvement.
Radiofrequency skin-tightening technologies
Radiofrequency devices microneedling RF and radiofrequency divides heat the collagen skin layer-dermis in a controlled manner. The tissue responds to the process with new collagen production. The difference between RF systems and fractional lasers is based on the fact that radiofrequency devices cause the heating of larger volumes of tissue.
Microneedling RF
Microneedling RF delivers the energy in the necessary depth for collagen remodeling: replacement of old damaged collagen with new collagen. The needles, by themselves, create micro-injuries similar to fractional lasers. MedVSpa uses mesotherapy, delivery of collagen peptides, and hyaluronic acid to boost skin tightening radiofrequency effect.
There are two types of microneedling RF, and the difference is based on a fact, are needles insulated or not?
An insulated needle, like the Scarlet microneedling Rf system, protects the epidermis, the superficial skin layer, from thermal injury and decreases the risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and skin appearance discoloration after the treatment. It is safe to use microneedling RF Scarlet all year around, including hot summer days, for all skin types. Microneedling RF with non-isolated needles requires more attention because of mentioned risk of damaging the epidermis and triggering superficial pigment cells.
Microneedling alone – without RF energy-based heating is the treatment for wrinkles. Stamping or rolling devices deliver tiny needles to the skin, creating pinpoint bleeding. Machines are different in needle density and depth of penetration. Some are electrically powered, and others use manually applied pressure.
Volume lost replacement
Hyaluronic acid fillers are popular to replace lost tissue volume. The overall goal with filler injections is to restore the face's convexities and decrease shadowing induced by aging.
The lost tissue volume happens due to structural tissue aging on superficial fat, muscle, deep fat, ligaments, and bones.
Medical aesthetic specialists inject fillers on the cheeks, nose, chin, and jawline under the eyes to provide structural support.
PLLA injections to stimulate collagen
PLLA injections have been shown to promote new collagen formation, resulting in plump, glowing skin one month after the treatment. Compared with Hyaluronic acid fillers, PllA can not be destroyed in the skin if something goes wrong, for example, when the client does not like the result.
There are many solutions to reverse aging: injectable and noninjectable.
The article introduces you to skin tightening and wrinkles treatment.
If you want to know more about injections, this page is for you.
If you prefer to get rid of aging signs without injections, microneedling RF is the advanced treatment addressing almost all aging concerns.
- Botox
- Injections
- Fillers
- Mesotherapy
- RF Micro-needling
- Facelift
- Eye Lift
- Neck Lift