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My Experience with Jawline Filler for a Sculpted Face


  • What It Is
  • Benefits
  • How To Prepare
  • What To Expect
  • Alternatives
  • Potential Side Effects
  • The Cost
  • Aftercare
  • The Final Takeaway

Discover the transformative power of jawline filler as I share my journey and experience. From the initial consultation to the actual treatment, I provide an in-depth account of what to expect, including the comfort level, duration, and potential side effects.

Join me as I discuss the impact of jawline filler on facial aesthetics, self-confidence, and overall satisfaction. Whether you're considering jawline filler for the first time or simply curious about this popular cosmetic enhancement, this article offers valuable insights and firsthand experiences to help you make an informed decision about achieving a beautifully sculpted face.


  • Marina Vashkevich, BSN, a registered nurse and the founder of a cosmetic dermatology clinic in Toronto.

What Is Jawline Filler

According to Marina, Jawline filler is an effective way to enhance the definition of the jawline and chin, resulting in a more structured appearance of the lower part of the face. Injectable dermal fillers are used for shaping and contouring the jawline. According to Marina, firmer fillers with higher G' (elastic modulus) and cohesivity are typically utilized for jawline treatments, such as Juvederm Volux and Voluma. These dermal fillers have greater density and simulate the properties of bone, ultimately contributing to a more structural outcome, emphasizing that having a clear distinction between the face and neck enhances the definition of the neck and jawline. Filler acts as a substitute for bone, resulting in a more contoured or slimmer appearance.

Benefits of Jawline Filler

• Increased volume

• Slimmer jawline

• Defined jawline

According to Marina, Jawline filler in Toronto is a cosmetic procedure that can help enhance the overall appearance of your face. It can reduce the presence of jowls and shape both your mandible and chin. Introducing structure to the lower region of your face can also help reduce the visibility of a double chin by improving the projection of your jawline and chin.

How to Prepare for Jawline Filler

To prepare for your jawline filler session, avoiding certain substances that may increase the chance of bruising is essential. According to Marina, it's advisable to stay away from aspirin, ibuprofen, and NSAIDs for at least ten days before the treatment. Moreover, consuming fish oil and vitamin E can also contribute to more bruising.

What to Expect When Getting Jawline Filler

Marina took the time to meet with me and touch my face. Yes, she actually touched my face. With skillful fingers, she gently pressed into my jawline and cheeks, explaining that this would help her better understand the natural structure of my bones and determine the appropriate filler needed and lifting vectors. She has received training from the top dermatologists in Los Angeles, Paris and Monte Carlo. She is renowned for her ability to create an "untouched" appearance, so I felt confident and secure in her expertise. Marina mentioned that for menopausal women, volume loss might not be a significant concern, but we tend to experience earlier loss of bone density, fat volume, or skin thickness.

Dermal filler Juvederm SkinVive creates lifting, improving skin thickness and making skin plump. If volume loss is the result of fat pads deflating, medium-density fillers like Juvederm Volift and Juvederm Volbella correct this form of aging. Jawline changes on a bone level. Therefore, she prefers using a firmer filler to mimic bone. When applied along the jawline, it can create the illusion of a slimmer jaw by enhancing the structure.
The information she shared was truly fascinating, and I felt completely comfortable entrusting her with the task at hand, which involved injecting dermal filler along my jawline using a cannula.
The actual injection process could have been more pleasant. It felt strange and uncomfortable, almost like something weird was inserted into my jawline and chin. Fortunately, the process was relatively quick, like 10-15 minutes.

Initially, I noticed a significant difference when I looked in the mirror. Still, Marina assured me that the results would become more apparent two weeks -one month after dermal filler injections.
Immediately following the treatment, the results may seem more pronounced due to slight swelling and minor bruises. Marina provided me with an aftercare kit, and I couldn't resist taking selfies in the Uber on my way home. Then, I realized the remarkable transformation the filler had made on my face. Suddenly, my jawline had a distinct angle from the bottom of my ear to my chin. My chin appeared more prominent, and overall, my face looked more defined and sculpted. It was genuinely astonishing. I became obsessed with the results, taking countless photos of myself and excitedly sharing them with my friends. Who dis?" I couldn't believe that I achieved such remarkable results without undergoing a more invasive procedure, and I knew I had to share my experience with others.

Alternatives to Jawline Filler

Dermal fillers are not the sole injections that can reshape your jawline. Another option is Botox, which assists you in achieving your desired facial sculpting goals.

Some individuals lack a well-defined jawline due to excessive downward pulling of the neck muscle. Usually, double chin problems and jowls appear after 35 years of age. By strategically administering Jawline and Chin Botox, the muscle can be encouraged to pull upward and inward, resulting in a more defined jawline. Marina mentions that the strength of the neck muscle necessitates using multiple point injections and a minimum of 50 units of Botox for females, while males usually require 70 to 80 units. This Botox injectable technique was introduced as Nefertiti Botox and has been improved many times to decrease the risks associated with Botox Jawline and Chin Botox injections.
Your esthetic nurse will determine if Botox is the best option for you to sculpt your jawline through a diagnostic evaluation to assess the activity level of the platysma muscle in the neck.
In some cases, a combination of fillers and Botox may be suitable. Fillers can help restore volume and provide a stronger jawline overall. At the same time, Botox can further enhance the results, releasing the muscles that pull down tissue and creating a jawline and double chin. The approach taken is highly individualized and varies from person to person. Additionally, there are more invasive alternatives available.

Marina suggests non-surgical procedures like RF micronedling and Double Chin treatment to tighten the neck, achieve a tighter and more defined jawline, and remove the double chin.

Potential Side Effects of Jawline Filler

Marina told me before the dermal filler procedure, there could be potential side effects like bruising, swelling, and vascular occlusion. Chin and jawline filler injections are typically performed with a cannula to reduce the risk of vascular occlusion. I expected swelling in the chin area the day after dermal filler injections, and I applied ice a couple of times throughout the day. I took Arnica peels and applied Arnica gel to the skin to speed up healing. Massaging the chin and jawline area three days after the injections can also be beneficial. Swelling and bruising should subside within a week.

The Cost of Jawline Filler

The price of a single syringe of a calcium hydroxyapatite filler, such as Radiesse, surpasses $700 on average, whereas hyaluronic acid fillers like Juvederm cost over $600. The overall cost of jawline filler varies based on several factors, including your geographical location, the skill and expertise of your injector, and the number of syringes necessary to achieve your desired aesthetic outcome. According to Marina, achieving a well-defined jawline demands two Juvederm Volux syringes. Three to four syringes or more may be necessary to sculpt the jawline and remove the double chin.


Consulting with your injector to obtain their aftercare advice is crucial. Marina recommended avoiding touching and rubbing the skin 3-4 hours after the procedure to minimize the occurrence of infection. One of the remarkable benefits of Juvederm Voluma and Volux jawline filler is its long-lasting effects. The dermal filler can provide results that endure for two years.
On the other hand, Botox injected in the neck typically remains effective for approximately three to four months. However, with our Full Face Botox unique approach that focuses on retraining the neck muscles, you may require fewer units of Botox or less frequent injections.

The Final Takeaway

I had never considered getting dermal fillers before despite experiencing volume loss. After my appointment a few months ago, I noticed a significant difference in my jawline, with a newfound definition that was never present before. There is a noticeable difference, particularly in my photos. It did not make my neck fat disappear, but it did give my neck a more lifted appearance, making it look slimmer. I recommend jawline filler to those curious about improving their face's lower half. 

Book your consultation


  • Botox
  • Injections
  • Fillers
  • Neck Lift


  • Wrinkles
  • Double-chin
Frequently Asked Questions


1.How Much Does Filler Cost Toronto?

Juvederm Voluma typically costs from $650 per syringe. Juvederm Volux price can vary and cost up to $1000 per syringe. Juvederm Ultra XC can cost around $500. It is best to book a consultation with the team at MedVSpa to feel comfortable with pricing.

2.How Long Do Jawline Fillers Last?

Jawline filler is a quick and non-invasive cosmetic treatment that aims to smooth out wrinkles on the jawline area. The procedure involves injecting fillers to enhance the appearance of the jawline, which can make you look more youthful. It's important to note that the effects of jawline fillers are temporary. Juvederm Volux lasts two years, Juvederm Voluma a year and a half, and Juvederm XC up to 1 year.

3.How Much Does Jaw Filler Cost Canada?

Jawline and chin fillers typically range from $1,000 to $3,000, with the exact cost determined during your consultation. The price depends on how long the filler stays and how many syringes you require for a stronger jawline.

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