NEW: 122 Scollard St. #201, Toronto, ON M5R 1G4
Clinical MedVSpa Observation and Solution for Post-Pandemic Fatigue and Brain Fogginess.

COVID Long Term Effects: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Brain fogginess.

More than 80% of clients mention that they are less focused after COVID or the pandemic and not as good as they used to be before performing work-related, educational, and social activities. They see that the symptoms are unrelated to the fact that they performed extra energy-required activities. They feel tired in the early morning and the middle of the day.

Some people feel much more tired or bushed for a long time after some activities. They see that such work or exercises didn't affect their energy level before the pandemic. Moreover, they felt more tired not immediately after these tasks but 12 to 48 hours after the activity. The fatigue could last for days, which is uncommon for this person

One more observation is related to the sleep pattern. People say they don't feel rested or even less tired, despite a whole night of uninterrupted sleep.

Most MedVSpa clients perform the job, which requires high mental activity. More than half complain about memory, thinking, and information-processing problems. Two of the clients were diagnosed with an attention deficit in 2022.

How do I know if I've got long COVID?

The symptoms people report is not as severe as Long COVID medical condition, but it has affected most clients since March 2020. Unfortunately, there are no specific treatments even for the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome related to Long COVID. Physicians considered these symptoms as not serious, but actually, they are. They affect people's life quality, energy level, and psychological well-being. They also affect work performant and interpersonal relationships.

Can fatigue syndrome be cured?

We are willing to help based on MedVSpa's 10 years of experience. We develop a unique treatment protocol to remove fatigue, increase mental productivity and boost energy.Lymphatic therapy helps to boost circulation, clear stagnant waste in the body, and increase energy. Starvac is a French equipment focused on beauty and human health. The lymphatic drainage Starvac massage is mechanical, non-invasive, harmless, and 100% natural. Starvac is the technology in the experienced hands of MedVSpa professionals, which not only restores the energy and concentration level but also removes cellulite and make your body look slimmer. Starvac is Health Canada approve the device for lymphatic drainage treatment.  

What is a Lymphatic Drainage Massage?

Starvac is a non-invasive contouring treatment based on lymphatic drainage, claiming to stimulate blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. Although lymphatic drainage is famous for removing toxins and excess fluid from the tissue and decreasing water retention, it stimulates the growth of new capillaries, making you feel energized and cognitively sharp. In addition, the lymphatic drainage treatment simultaneously encourages the renewal of collagen production to help tighten and smooth loose skin and conquer cellulite.

What else can lymphatic drainage do for me?

The treatment mechanically and naturally increases the blood flow inside the body and brain, bringing more energy and concentration. 

The popular procedure stimulates fat cells in the body to help you:

  • Lose fat faster
  • Firm and smooth any flabby skin
  • Reduce cellulite

How many lymphatic drainage treatments do I need?

The treatment consists of 15 sessions. The results of body shaping and cellulite removal are noticeable after about four-six treatments, but feeling with the energy boost after the first one. The sessions themselves last about 45 minutes- 1 hour, starting twice a week. 

How does lymphatic drainage massage work?

Starvac lymphatic drainage reactivates the fluid and fat release process (also known as lipolysis), massaging the body with mechanical rollers. This released fat is converted into energy for the muscles and brain. The lymphatic massage technique stimulates collagen and elastin growth, resulting in smoother, firmer skin.

Why is lymphatic drainage an energy booster?

The massage roller sucks up the skin along with soft tissue. Skin manipulation is a way to pull excess water from the body and treat cellulite. The fat and toxins are also carried away with the water leaving the body. The rollers massing the skin between them is the best way to increase blood flow circulation. It explains why manual lymphatic drainage is less resultative than mechanical performed with the machine. Manual lymph drainage primarily improves fluid outflow, improving the function of lymph nodes. Whereas, Starvac lymphatic drainage massage brings benefits of microcirculation boost, delivering energy, flashing the brain with better oxygen, vitamins, and nutrients, removing fatigue, and improving memory and concentration functions.

Benefits of lymphatic drainage.

There are many advantages to using this form of treatment. Starting with the fact that it is non-invasive and does not require any meds to be taken, the therapy helps overcome brain cloudiness and fatigue, using the inner body reserve, promoting detox, and improving whole-body tissue oxygenation. There is no need for recovery time after each treatment, only gradual improvement and return to the best body and mind functioning possible.

Is lymphatic drainage a painful treatment?

 Like the deep tissue massage, Starvac lymphatic drainage treatment may cause muscle pressure, but many find the treatment comfortable and relaxing. Some clients desperately want to nap after the first-second treatment; others feel lots of energy immediately.

 Does lymphatic drainage Starvac work on the Muscle Groups?  

The muscles underneath get a good deep massage thanks to the Starvac device. Muscle stimulation is the next step after the detox to promote a benefit for the body and mind microcirculation.

 How soon will I see the result?

It is true that most people report the energy boost after the first treatment and see the body shape difference in 2-4 sessions. Another significant factor of lymphatic drainage massage is that it lasts for quite a while. The effects last up to six months. Whether this will hold six months for everyone is challenging because it can vary based on health, age, and lifestyle.

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